Q: I have submitted my paperwork to receive Veterans benefits, how long will it take to receive an award letter?
A:  Once the school submits your paperwork to the Regional Processing Office, normally there is a 30-90 day waiting period.  Once your paperwork is processes you will receive an award letter. Shortly thereafter, you will receive payment.  If you are receiving Chapter 30 or 1606 benefits, please make note of the monthly certifications you will need to do.  Instructions should be in the award letter.

Q:  I receive advance pay, when will my next check come?
A:  Advance payment will pay you from the date the school term starts through the next month.  Therefore, since VA back pays you by one month, you will not receive payment until the fourth month of the term.
For example: If you receive advance pay for the Fall semester, your check will come to the school in August.  This check will pay you for the school days in August and the month of September.  You will not receive payment again until November, for the month of October.

Q:  Do I have any months of entitlement left?
A:  In order to find out how many months of entitlement you have left, you need to call the Regional Processing Office (RPO) in Decatur, Georgia (1-888-442-4551).

Q:  Will VA pay me to retake a class?
A:  VA will only pay you to retake a class in the event that your major requires that you make a certain grade in the class.  VA will not pay you to retake a class just because you want a better grade.  Before retaking a class, check the catalog for the course requirements.

Q:  Financial Aid is requesting a copy of my award letter, where do I get this letter?
A:  Your award letter will be sent to you once your request for benefits has been processes.  Keep in mind this may be 30-90 days from the date the request was submitted by the school.

Q:  Must I pursue a degree to receive VA benefits?
A: Yes, in order to receive VA benefits at East Carolina University, you must be pursuing a degree.  The only exception is if you are pursuing teaching certification.

Q:  How do I know if I am eligible for benefits?
A:  To find out if you meet or how to meet eligibility requirements, you may call the Regional Processing Office (RPO) (1-888-442-4551) or the VA office at ECU (252-328-1731).

For any further questions or more detailed answers, please contact: